The son of murdered Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia launched his new book, an investigation into the life and assassination of his mother, on November 2 – the UN’s International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists.
The launch of A Death in Malta was hosted by RSF (Reporters Without Borders) UK and featured RSF’s Director of Campaigns, Rebecca Vincent, and author Paul Caruana Galizia, with all proceeds to be donated to the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation, set up by Daphne’s family following her death, and to The Bridge At Waterloo.
Besides an investigation into his mother’s murder, Paul Caruana Galizia’s book is also an examination of the globalisation of corruption, a story about Malta’s escape from colonialism, a personal history of writing when the stakes are high and the intimidation is violent, and a homage to mothers and their sons.
Paul Caruana Galizia became a reporter after his mother was assassinated and since then has won a number of awards including the British Journalism Award.