The AEJ UK is a national section of the AEJ International – an independent network of journalists, writers and specialists active across Europe with the goal of advancing knowledge and debate on European affairs and upholding media freedom.
It links journalists across Europe in a professional and social network, is independent of any institutional or political group, and is recognised by the Council of Europe, the OSCE and UNESCO.
The Association of European Journalists (AEJ) is an international federation of autonomous national sections. These “Procedures” apply to the UK Section, serving as a guide to its activities, to ensure that the AEJ works solely in the interests of its members and is accountable to them.
- To encourage high-quality journalism about Europe, characterised by knowledge and insight, through access to information and direct contact with leading European figures.
- To provide a forum for discussion about current political, economic and cultural issues in Europe.
- To provide access to a network of professional contacts who share an interest in European affairs.
- To defend the freedom of the media, and to promote openness in all European institutions.
- To represent UK journalists’ interests within the international AEJ.
Membership of the AEJ UK section is open to individual UK-based journalists working, employed or freelance, in the print, broadcast or electronic media, and to academic experts and students of journalism or European affairs.
They should respect the principles of impartial fact-based reporting and commentary and be free of any promotional purpose, whether for party-political, religious, commercial or other partisan interests.
Decisions on membership are made by the Committee, subject to review by members attending the annual general meeting (AGM). Members are required to pay an annual fee covering a calendar year.
The amount of the fee is decided by the AGM.
Only paid-up members are eligible to attend and vote at the AGM, and to attend the international AEJ Congress. Non-members may attend meetings at the discretion of the officers.
The management of the section is in the hands of the officers – a Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer. These are voluntary unpaid positions. Reasonable expenses incurred in the running of the section and its representation in international AEJ affairs, such as travel, telephone and stationery, are reimbursed.
The officers are collectively responsible for managing the section in the members’ interests and with due probity. The particular duties of each officer are as follows:
(1) The Chairman represents the section in its external relations, normally chairs section meetings and the AGM, and helps to ensure the proper running of the section and protect the good name of the AEJ.
(2) The Secretary is responsible for the day-to-day running of the section, arranging speakers and events and representing the section at international AEJ meetings.
(3) The Treasurer is in charge of the section’s bank account, keeps records of income and expenditure, keeps a list of paid-up members, and provides an annual statement of account to the AGM.
The officers are elected by a simple majority of members attending the AGM.
Nominations for election to any of the three officer positions may be submitted in writing by a member, seconded by another member.
The Committee
The Committee consists of the three officers and such other members as may be nominated and elected at the AGM, or co-opted by the officers for specific purposes.
An annual general meeting is normally held early in the following year, when members receive the Chairman’s report, an activity report from the Secretary and a financial report from the Treasurer, and have the opportunity to elect officers, vote on matters arising and propose changes to these Procedures. Votes are by simple majority.
Annual General Meeting Reports 2016-2024
At AEJ UK‘s Annual General Meeting for 2024 Chairman William Horsley, Secretary Charles Jenkins and Treasurer David Worsfold were re-elected.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 17 February 2025
Chairman’s report
Secretary’s report for the AGM
AGM for 2024 February 17 2025

At AEJ UK ‘s Annual General Meeting for 2023 Chairman William Horsley, Secretary Charles Jenkins and Treasurer David Worsfold were re-elected.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 31 January 2024
Chairman’s report
Secretary’s report for the AGM
AGM for 2023 January 31 2024

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 3 February 2023
Chairman’s report
Secretary’s report for the AGM
AGM for 2022 February 3 2023

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 26 January 2022
Chairman’s report
Secretary’s report for the AGM
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 20 January 2021
Chairman’s report
Secretary’s report for the AGM
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 29 January 2020
Chairman’s report
Secretary’s report for the AGM
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 11 December 2018
Chairman’s report
Secretary’s report for the AGM
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 17 January 2018
Chairman’s report
Secretary’s report for the AGM
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 27 January 2017
Chairman’s report
Secretary’s report for the AGM