Thomas de Waal, senior fellow with Carnegie Europe, brought his expertise on Russia, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus to an AEJ UK lunch on November 23.
He examined the impact on Russia’s neighbours of the war in Ukraine and the potential consequences of a Russian presidency that has been undermined by the Russian army’s humiliation in the war, public resentment against conscription, and the country’s unprecedented diplomatic isolation.
He said Russia’s hold over former Soviet space is under strain from Central Asia and the South Caucasus to Moldova and even Belarus, where unpopular strongman Alexander Lukashenko has so far kept his army out of the land war across the border in Ukraine.
Tom de Waal reported on Russian politics and the Chechen conflict for the Moscow Times and the Times of London and worked for the BBC before joining the Carnegie Endowment in 2010. He is the author of Black Garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan Through Peace and War.
For more on this meeting please see this report from Jonathan Stoneman, former BBC Balkans analyst, and AEJ UK chairman William Horsley, and this audio recording.
Tom de Waal – Carnegie Europe
Tom de Waal – Wikipedia

Photos courtesy Doros Partasides